Certified independent director (*)
Member of the Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs ( www.ila.lu )
Certified Independent Non-Executive Director (iNED) with solid experience in corporate governance through the management of a portfolio of mandates in investment fund structures and other unregulated vehicles available in Luxembourg (investment/holding/GP/PSF funds) with expertise in private equity (PE) and real estate (RE).
I have a broad knowledge of responsible investment activities pursuing typical financial management objectives considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects, for which I have obtained an international certification from the European Financial Planning Association **.
* Director Certified by Guberna-Institute of Administrators (www.guberna.be) and I.L.A. www.ila.lu
** EFPA (European Financial Planning Association) ESG Advisor Certified www.efpa-eu.org
An international track record of leadership for several international private banks with a solid experience of more than 22 years in private banking, particularly in asset management and capital markets. Thanks to the knowledge gained during my career, I have contributed to the governance of several Luxembourg funds and investment vehicles, adapting it to the evolution of regulations imposed by the CSSF, carrying out my duties with a high degree of commitment, integrity and diplomacy.
I can fill the role of RR (in French "responsable du respect des obligations" "RR") and, with the expertise of my partner, the role of RC (in French "responsable du contrôle du respect des obligations" "RC"). I am adept at interacting with stakeholders and demonstrating independent governance while maintaining a high degree of compliance with rules imposed by regulators.
My added values
- Fully independent director - I am not part of any group
- Italian/Luxembourg nationality and domicile in Luxembourg
- Excellent network of fund service providers, such as custodian banks and fund management companies/ ManCo/ AIFM in Luxembourg
- CSSF approved, excellent reputation, and sufficient time to devote
- Multiskilled, hands-on, and able to cover any administrative, operational, and financial aspect of the ESG Certified fund
“Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to the solutions.”
Tony Robbins